Monday, April 16, 2012

I've gotten to where I love starting my own seeds for my garden, and each year, I start more and more transplants - now way more than I could ever use myself.  So, I've got some tomatoes I'm going to try to sell, somewhere.  We'll see.  Here are some of the tomato babies.

If you're in Athens, and you want to buy any of these for $2 a pot, I'm growing Sungold Cherry Tomatoes, Brandywines, Cherokee Purples, Hawaiian Pineapples (a tomato, I promise), New Girls, Stump of the Worlds (an old 19th c. variety similar to Brandywine but more productive), and Black from Tula (a Russian black tomato (really a kind of brownish-red.  And ugly. But just as delicious as it's weird)).  Leave a comment if you're interested!

Friday, April 6, 2012