Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Bizaar Bizaaro Festival - Slow Food Atlanta.  David and Luke and their Bloodroot Blades as invited artists:

 The booth.

 A pretty part of another artist's display.

A chef turned salt grinder

 Loved the packaging.

No Slow Foods bizarre would be complete without a goat milking demonstration. This goat looks pretty depressed about it.  Or, peaceful. 

 Pretty pots.

Learn from the boys how to make knife handles out of burlap sack.

A very fun, hot day.

Several years ago, I worked on a farm in Rappahannock County, Virginia, and the couple who owned the farm had a huge patch of Mexican Sunflowers growing outside their kitchen window.  When we ate in their kitchen, I could see these gorgeous, luminous orange flowers waving outside the window.  Ever since, I've wanted to grow the same flowers out of one of my windows so i could see them just that way.  Well, here they are.